Hello everyone! Below is info for a survey for US-based IBCLCs who work for hospitals, either in an inpatient setting or an outpatient hospital-associated clinic setting. This is a voluntary survey. Please feel free to share it.
My name is Stephanie Elliott and I am an IBCLC and student researcher in the School of Public Health at Portland State University under the advisement of Dr. Julia Goodman. As a part of my honors thesis I am conducting a study about risk/benefit communication in lactation consulting.
I am seeking US-based IBCLCs who work for hospitals, either in an inpatient setting or an outpatient hospital-associated clinic setting, to complete this survey. The survey will be anonymous and take less than ten minutes to complete.
If you fit these criteria please consider completing my survey to help establish an understanding of how lactation consultants are emphasizing risks and benefits when they counsel patients. Participation in this research is voluntary and you may discontinue the survey at any time. This survey is anonymous and the study will collect no identifying information linking you to the survey. There are no known risks associated with participation in this survey.
There is no direct benefit to you in participating in this research but this research will benefit the field of lactation consultation and mother-baby care by increasing an understanding of existing counseling methods in lactation practice. If you have any questions about this research please contact selliott@pdx.edu.
To complete the survey follow this link: