Greetings from Uganda! We have been quite busy in this period of the year, and I have attached a summary of some activities that we have managed to put our hands to. I’ve included some pictures you might enjoy. (Read the report.)
My sincere regards, to all.
#1 by PGima on December 20, 2010 - 7:47 am
WOW!! What an inspiring message from Josephine. WALC’s role in supporting her financially and bringing her to the ILCA conference and Dr Sears’ workshop are something we can be proud of. I am grateful to Becky Krumweide’s dedication to this Partner project as part of being WALC President . We can see from Josephine’s report that the present and long-term effects are profound.
I look forward to hearing what our on-going partnership with Josephine will “birth” in the future.
May we continue to support our own WALC members in education and partnership and financial support as they go about their daily work in the promotion of breastfeeding for mothers and babies.
It is a good work that we do.
Thank you, WALC Board.
Thank you, Becky.
Pat Gima