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COVID-19 Human Milk Study

Please share this new study through the Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine on the COVID-19 vaccine and breastfeeding! The contact is  This would be for any breastfeeding person who takes the vaccine, and is interested in being a part of a study.


If you are interested in participating in the COVID-19 Human Milk Study, enrollment is only open to individuals with a current or past confirmed/highly suspected COVID-19 infection or those who have received or who are (likely) scheduled to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the next few months. 

You will be contacted in the 3-5 days with study information and the consent form.

Please remember that you may have several samples collected and frozen at home before we can arrange pickup/shipping. We are very appreciative for your patience and freezer space!

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Outpatient Breastfeeding Champion Webinar – presented by IABLE

Friday, October 2, 9, 16, & 30, 2020  8:15-12:15 Each Day

Outpatient Breastfeeding Champion Webinar with Anne Eglash, MD, IBCLC, FABM, Alisa Williams RN, IBCLC, and Kathy Leeper, MD, IBCLC

For more information, visit:

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Last Week of “Bomb Doulas Breastfeeding Month”

Last Week of Bomb (Birth Outcomes Made Better) Doulas Breastfeeding Month

From Angela Hamilton, Community Outreach Specialist, with the City of Milwaukee Health Department:

If you are free tonight for a bit of fun, join us, at 5:30 for Breastfeeding Trivia Happy Hour. It’s on the BF Month Channel.

BF Month channel:

Book Club Channel:


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BOMB Doulas National Breastfeeding Month-Emergency Preparedness Week August 16th-24th

·       Monday, August 17th – Dr. EA Quinn and Dr. Cecilia Tomori, editors of Breastfeeding: New Anthropological Approaches and anthropologists behind the blog/podcast Anthrolactology will join BOMB Doulas in a panel discussion about the biological-technological-cultural meaning of breastfeeding through an emergency. Come discover breastfeeding from an anthropological lens! Register HERE.


·       Wednesday, August 19th – Dr. Jenny Thomas, founder of the WI Breastfeeding Coalition, is joining us to discuss evidence based practices and current healthcare policies related to breastfeeding during the pandemic. Register HERE.


·       Thursday, August 20th – Join us as we dive deeper into comparative global perspectives of birth and infant feeding through a discussion of the film Milk following our August 14th Virtual Screening. Register HERE.


·       Thursday, August 20th –  Breastfeeding Trivia Happy Hour! Grab your favorite beverage, test your breastfeeding knowledge, and possibly win an autographed copy of our Book Club book The Big Letdown: How Medicine, Big Business, and Feminism Undermine BreastfeedingRegister HERE.


Questions/Comments/Concerns? Contact us at

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Black Breastfeeding Week – Lift Up Every Baby

Culminating Virtual Event! 7th Annual  Lift Up Every Baby
Sunday, Aug 30 11AM Facebook Live
Let’s Revive, Restore and Reclaim Black Breastfeeding!
For more information see Facebook African American Breastfeeding Network

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New Breastfeeding Promotion Shirt Available through BFAN

Each year, the Breastfeeding Alliance of Northeast Wisconsin creates a new t-shirt to promote breastfeeding. This year, we were not able to have our annual walk but we still created a new shirt! If you are interested, please visit the BFAN website for more info.

We hope you enjoy World Breastfeeding Month!

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BOMB Doulas Native Breastfeeding Week

Breastfeeding Month 2020 (2)

Check out this flier and see all the great things BOMB Doulas are offering this week!

Native Breastfeeding Week
August 9th-15th, 2020

Wednesday, August 12th at 12PM
Candi Cornelius, Cheri Nemec, & Jenny Bisonette will teach us the purpose behind Native Breastfeeding Week, best practices for breastfeeding education/support in WI tribal communities, and policy initiatives as they relate to tribal worksites and breastfeeding.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 975-374-669

Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
Dial in or type: or
Meeting ID: 975 374 669
Or dial directly: 975374669@ or

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

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BOMB Doulas Presentation 7/29 12-1:30

Please check out the information below and feel free to attend and share information.


Guest, Whitney Hamilton, DrPH
Dr. Hamilton is a dedicated mother of four as well as a maternal child health researcher and professor of public health at Middle Georgia State University. She will discuss her personal experiences with breastfeeding throughout the various stages of her ongoing, child-rearing journey.

Meeting Link 

For more information contact
BOMB Doula office hours

Office Hours Flyers (4)B

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Banked Donor Human Milk is Safe and Does not Transmit COVID-19

Dear all,

I am very concerned about an article published today in the J of Human Lactation entitled ‘Safe Handling of Containers of Expressed Human Milk in all Settings During the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)’. The authors state without evidence, that bottles of donor milk may transmit COVID-19 coronavirus, and that these bottles need to be cleansed with an antiviral substance before storing in the NICU freezer. The Human Milk Banking Association of North America follows the FDA guidelines on safe food handling. These guidelines and protocols basically prevent bottles of donor milk from transmitting SARS-CoV-2 virus, just like other various pathogens such as E Coli, Staph aureus, salmonella, hepatitis, norovirus and influenza, all of which can also remain on surfaces for long periods of time.  The authors also claim that every mother on earth should wear a mask when pumping whether they are having any viral symptoms or not. Yes, that means kiss and hug the baby, then put a mask on to pump. Further they claim that every bottle of breastmilk that is handed to someone else to feed the infant should be washed with antiviral substances (mind you, not the toys, formula bottles, diapers, pacifiers, or the floor the baby crawls on). I am so disappointed in these authors and the Journal editor for not taking down this opinion article despite protests from many professionals such as myself. I have only read such unsubstantiated articles about breastfeeding in publications/websites that are anti-breastfeeding, so needless to say, I am shocked.


1 Comment

  • #1 by Allison Laverty Montag on April 7, 2020 - 10:19 am


    Thank you very much for posting this! I’ve been seeing information that encourages families to breastfeed and wasn’t aware of this opinion piece. Such a tough time. Thank you for standing up and fighting for the families!

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How are you helping families during social distancing?

I have been thinking a lot about the families I am not talking to! My position in Winnebago County recently changed and I am doing a lot less direct care. Once person I spoke to called her doctor’s office and all circuits were busy. Where are mothers accessing reliable, appropriate information?

I would really like us to talk about this. How can we get mothers in touch with us when our normal communication methods are inundated with other inquiries?

Please take social distancing seriously. I work for Public Health and all hands are on deck! We are all in a position to be able to protect vulnerable populations by staying away from large groups, limiting travel and washing our hands well on a regular basis.

Please take care of yourselves.





1 Comment

  • #2 by Karen Laing on March 18, 2020 - 4:15 pm


    Hi Allison. I would love to connect with you and anyone who is working in hospital settings, NICUs and in public health/WIC . I am leading a USLCA webinar next week on COVID-19: Best Practices for lactation consultants and doulas, and have an online course available as well. My practice setting has been home-based, and thus, the gap I wanted to fill, but I also want to hear direct experiences and transmission-specific precautions from others – how are you managing the limited supplies? Are you masking when you consult? What level of exposure constitutes exclude from duty? (Ie – obviously if someone is in quarantine, but what about having CONTACT with someone who is self-monitoring?) Are you using a 14 day self-quarantine if someone around you has respiratory symptoms but not confirmed or PUI? (ie, the child who has the sniffles). I am interested in hearing about any clear guidelines if they are being used in your setting as well as personal stories and experiences! Thanks so much! At the moment, the USLCA hit capacity so I can’t say “come!” but it will be recorded or you can access our program: But connect if you want to share your story or know someone I should reach out to!

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