Dr. Hazelbaker is coming to Wisconsin in November! BFAN is hosting two workshops. The Appleton workshop is just about full but we still have room in Milwaukee Saturday November 8th. Please follow this link to the BFAN website for more information. We expect Milwaukee to fill quickly as well so please sign up soon if you are interested.
The morning will consist of education on tongue-tie and the Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (ATLFF). The afternoon allows practice using the ATLFF with mom/baby dyads.
#1 by Erin Tisch on July 17, 2014 - 10:27 am
Hello, i would love to attend the Appleton event. I was unable to find a registration form on line for this? Please let me know! Thanks so much!
#2 by Allison Laverty Montag on July 18, 2014 - 10:37 am
The information is here, the link was in the text of the event.
The Appleton Workshop is full. It filled very quickly! You can get on a waiting list or consider registering in Milwaukee.