Hale’s 2014 Medications and Mother’s Milk book is out and WALC is offering it to all our members at a discounted rate. We ordered at a bulk rate, and have subsidized part of the cost. List price is $39.95 plus $15.24 for shipping. Members may buy 1 book for $20 each, and up to 1more for $25 each. The books can be picked up at the September or November meeting. You can pre-pay for your books by sending your check directly to Kathie Russell, or pay at the meeting. If you want them shipped, we will charge $8 per book to mail them. No books will be shipped until payment is received. Kathie’s contact information can be found on the member directory. After the November meeting, books will be sold for $35 We will also have the books for sale at the conference in March.