There is a brochure under the meetings tab for the January 14th meeting. If you will be attending please fill it out and return to the e-mail listed. I need a count for space and lunch by Monday January 10.
The morning session is the WALC education meeting, the topic is Human Milk Use. I was able to get 2 CMEs and 2 nurse contact hours for this session. 2 R CERPs have been applied for. ANYONE CAN ATTEND.
The afternoon session will start at 1:30 (it may slightly overlap the business meeting) and is focused on improving breastfeeding skills for our hospital staff, BUT ANYONE CAN ATTEND. I was able to get 2 CMEs and 2 nurse contact hours for this session. 2 L CERPs have been applied for.
Lunch is listed in the brochure for $9, but WALC members can get lunch for $7.
There is a block of rooms reserved at the attached Comfort Suites for the night before or the night of the event. The rates are $81.99 for a standard room or $91.99 for a whirlpool suite. If interested please call 920-499-7449 and ask for the St. Mary’s Hospital rooms.
Also there is a poster for the evening fund raising event. We are raising money to get a donor depot freezer in St. Vincent NICU and additional money raised will go to the newly formed Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes.
Please consider attending.
Please contact me at if you have question.
Thanks, Jenni Johnson