Standard pricing deadline extended for the LLL of WI 2019 CE Event:
$212 for 10 CERPS until 10/25/2019
Register through 10/25 to avoid late fees and guarantee your spot!
Meet our Speakers:
Dr. Gerald Walczak! is a family dentist in Steven Point. In recent years, Dr. Walczak learned of the nursing difficulties moms and infants were having due to tongue and lip ties. He has been helping these young patients and their mothers through the use of a soft tissue laser to reshape the tissue to make breastfeeding more successful and more comfortable for both mom and infant.
Gretchen Becker Crabb! Over the last 18 years, Gretchen has provided occupational therapy, mental health and lactation support for adults, children and families through Birth to Three, Early Head Start, Head Start, UW-Madison preschools, private practice, and intensive autism programs. The foundation of her practice is in sensory integration, perinatal and body based mental health, feeding, and trauma. Gretchen owns a private practice in Madison.
Patricia Smith! has had a private practice for 15 years, where she works with dyads with challenging breastfeeding issues using a variety of therapy techniques and oral motor strategies. She has worked in out-patient clinics and in the NICU. She has lectured on the benefits of an integrative breastfeeding clinic and how combining the skills of Occupational therapy and manual therapy can assist with challenges in Lactation.
Lucky Tomaszek! is a sexuality educator and birth worker. In addition to her role as education coordinator at The Tool Shed, Cream City’s education-based, mission-driven sex toy store, she has a long background as a birth worker, La Leche League Leader, and columnist. She is the author of the column “MKE SEX”, published by Milwaukee Record, and is a contributor to “The Ultimate Guide to Sex Through Pregnancy and Motherhood” by Madison Young.
#1 by SMetko on October 21, 2019 - 8:48 am
4 days left to register for this unique mix of topics!