What is everyone’s opinion on having an RN with no breastfeeding credentials lead a support group in a hospital setting?
What is everyone’s opinion on having an RN with no breastfeeding credentials lead a support group in a hospital setting?
This entry was posted on July 5, 2011, 12:14 pm and is filed under Member Blog.
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#1 by AMontag on July 7, 2011 - 11:12 am
Most mothers would expect a group leader to be knowledgeable about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Management questions will likely come up at every meeting. We know from experience that it is better to have accurate information available immediately since it can be difficult to get in contact with mom after the fact.
If an IBCLC is not available, perhaps a LLL Leader or someone with some education in breastfeeding such as a CLS, CLC, etc. would be available?
#2 by CRaasch on July 8, 2011 - 6:49 am
The group leader of a breastfeeding support group should have breastfeeding credentials or at a minimum show evidence that (s)he is working toward certification.